Adults, DIYs, Families, Thrift store finds, Wool sweater
Welcome * About * Resources * DIYs Facebook Instagram DIYs for: Kids * Families * Adults DIY: Upcycled wool sweater brooch Here’s one of my oldie but a goodie upcycling projects made using upcycled wool sweaters from my local Salvation Army Thrift...
Adults, DIYs, Families, Kids, Thrift store finds
Welcome * About * Resources * DIYs Facebook Instagram DIYs for: Kids * Families * Adults DIY: Thrift fabric characters The thrift store is quite the hotspot for finding fabric. I’ve found awesome upholstery fabric and vintage pieces in my thrifting...
Adults, DIYs, Families, Kids, Thrift store finds
Welcome * About * Resources * DIYs Facebook Instagram DIYs for: Kids * Families * Adults DIY: Love inspired custom art Why not make your sweetheart custom art for Valentine’s Day! A thoughtful gift and you can easily create it on a budget. This DIY is all...
Adults, DIYs, Families, Kids, Thrift store finds
Welcome * About * Resources * DIYs Facebook Instagram DIYs for: Kids * Families * Adults DIY: Plastic animal planters Give your succulents even more character with this fun, simple and cheap DIY that makes planter magic out of thrifted treasures. I even...
Adults, DIYs, Families, Thrift store finds
Welcome * About * Resources * DIYs Facebook Instagram DIYs for: Kids * Families * Adults DIY: Upcycled record bowl Records are all the rage these days. Whether you’re visiting your local thrift store to add to your music collection or looking for a simple...
Adults, DIYs, Families, Kids, Mason jars, Thrift store finds
Welcome * About * Resources * DIYs Facebook Instagram DIYs for: Kids * Families * Adults DIY: Mason jar bird feeder Spring has sprung… The sun is out, the weather is warm and the birds are chirping. This DIY is a simple project for our feathered friends....